Tonight Michelle, David and I all attended a Ducks Pre-season game. We had a great time. We kept trying to get better seats and got kicked out of them about 5 times. But I did over hear a conversation about Teemu. This lady was telling her friend that she doesn’t think Teemu will come back based on converstations she had had with him. He didn’t say straight out that he wasn’t coming back but he did say that he missed his family, his wife was pregnant and he liked the fact that his golf game was getting better. I guess because he has more time to play. He said the hard part is giving up something you like so much. The Canucks were very bad losers, starting many fights. It was strange to watch a game where Selanne and Neidermider did not play. I hope at least one of them comes back this season. Hockey officially started for me tonight. I bought a puck that says “Stanely Cup Champions 2007” on it and a pennant that says the same thing.
Category: family
Michelle’s Birthday Party
Michelle’s Birthday Party, originally uploaded by dahlenw.
Everyone having a good time at Michelle’s birthday party!