
Finally, I’m making a post. Hopefully, I will be better at making posts. My last post may have been prior to Samantha’s birth. So much to share.

Samantha is nearly twenty months. Every day is a new adventure and very rewarding and exciting. Milestones: She’s now walking. She’s had a professional teeth cleaning in February and her next scheduled appointment will be in July. We walked to Ruby’s for dinner this week. We’ve dined there several times with Samantha, as it a fun place and kid friendly. Samantha gets an activity book and crayons. Samantha has been coloring for several months now. Her favorite activities are going to story time at the library and playing at the park. My mom takes her to story time twice a week; they both enjoy the outing. Our library is adjacent to a lake, so Samantha has an opportunity to see lots of ducks there. Actually, a couple of ducks are regular visitors to a neighboring condo, so she’s very familiar with ducks and other bird types. She likes pandas. She was the cutest panda for Halloween last year and will be a panda again this year. She has a panda stuffed animal and our 2010 calendar has only panda pictures. We are looking forward to the summer months. The beach club lagoon will be a fun experience for Samantha. The lagoon has a sandy shore and water slides. Depending on when we sell our condo, we will be moving at some point soon. We have a holiday weekend next weekend, Memorial Day Weekend, which will be so nice! Thanks for reading.

Samantha in January

Here are some pictures of what Samantha did this month thus far.  She has been very active and of course everyone wants to hang out with Samantha.  Daddy also put together a high chair, which took him much longer than he thought it would.

Here is Paul with Samantha, I’m not sure which one of them is more relaxed in this picture.

Samantha is carnivorous in this photo.  Don’t eat Tigger Samantha!

Here is Daddy trying to put together her new high chair.  “What the…?”

And here is the finished product…

Here is one with Aunt Lauren, when she hung out with us early in the month.

Big girl sitting in the couch.  Very happy with herself.

Samantha is just ecstatic to be rocking with her Aunt Lauren.

And finally here is Grandma Lyn taking care of Samantha today, to give Grandmama Grace a break.

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Sounds of Samantha!

Miss Samantha?  Well now you can listen to her wherever you are!  Just a few minutes for this post.  As it takes a long time to put together and wordpress only lets me upload 2MB and I don’t want to do it myself.

Thanksgiving 2008

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with lots of great food and great company.  We went down to my parents house in Carlsbad braving the rain on the drive down.  It was the longest drive that Samantha has ever been on and the first time she has seen my parents house.

Here she is hanging out in a swing at Grandma’s house.

Here is Ryan and Missy.  “Say Cheese!”

Here is Michelle, Samantha and Missy on the couch.

Duane carving up Tom.

Grandma Lyn holding Samantha.  She looks tired.

Michelle, Cousin Ryan, Grandma Lyn and Aunt Melissa.

Here is a cute shot of Samantha getting a kiss from Ryan.

Aunt Melissa holding Samantha.

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Samantha with her pet Monkey

1107080956.jpg, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

“Samantha says happy Friday dad.”  I love my little girl!

Samantha’s Baptism

Here is Michelle with Samantha waiting outside the church.

Here is a shot of Ryan (my nephew) and Melissa (my sister).

Here is a shot of the Father blessing Samantha.

The family watching an waiting in the pews.

A picture of the baptism cake.  We had over 50 people there and still had some cake left, it was huge!

We had a great time and was very glad that some many people could make it!

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