Airline Passanger’s Fight Back

It’s about time.  This whole airline thing is getting out of control!

“passengers began drumming in unison on the overhead bins. The crew freaked out, one steward admonished them “for destroying airline property,” and eventually the police were called”


Some Rich People Are Dumb

Elton John blames the Internet for everything (lack of communication and crappy artist).  He obviously does not know what he is talking about.


Great New Video Podcast

Just heard about this today on Twit.  I will be subscribing tonight.  Its Morgan Webb’s new show called “Webb Alert“.  Check it out and let me know what you think.

The Wheel of Life: Part II

Tonight Michelle and I returned to the Wheel of Life resturant in Irvine. But tonight we went armed with the knowledge that the Stuffed Tofu Surprise was not great, and that we did like the Sweet and Sour Pork, very much!

So this time we ordered three dishes. We agreed that we both liked the Sweet and Sour Pork and that was a must have, but we both wanted to pick out something new as well. Here is what we ordered:

Michelle chose the Brocilli Beef (not real beef, remember this place is vegiterian).

Broccoli Beef

And of course we got the Sweet and Sour Pork…

Sweet and Sour Pork

And lastly (we really liked this) Spicy Chicken:

Spicey Chicken

File-Sharing Kids: “I really don’t care, it’s not my problem…

…Singers and actors are rich enough” According to a study into children
’s safety and how they use the internet, European kids appear to have a basic grasp of the law when it comes to file-sharing. However, they aren’t really bothered by it and just carry on downloading – music in particular.

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Very Cool Photoshop Tutorials

11 Super Awesome Photoshop Movie Effects

  • Pirates of the Caribbean
  • Scarface
  • Sin City
  • Cars
  • White Noise
  • 300
  • Scanner Darkly
  • “Indie” Effect
  • And More…


Fitness Myth: Swimming is a great weight loss activity.

While swimming is great for increasing lung capacity, toning muscles, and even helping to burn off excess tension, Harr says the surprising truth is that unless you are swimming for hours a day, it may not help you lose much weight.”Because the buoyancy of the water is supporting your body, you’re not working as hard as it would if, say, you were moving on your own steam — like you do when you run,” says Harr.

Further, he says, it’s not uncommon to feel ravenous when you come out of the water.

“It may actually cause you to eat more than you normally would, so it can make it harder to stay with an eating plan,” he says.


The Forbidden Library: Complete List of Banned and Challenged Books

The alphabetical list and details are excerpts taken from the Banned Books Resource Guide by the American Library Association, and the Ready Reference Censorship book.

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Heroin More Addictive Than Marijuana

Heroin and cocaine more addictive than Marijuana! Great bar graph.
