“An artist in Providence, Rhode Island was apprehended the other day by mall security as he left the secret apartment he’d built almost four years ago”
Author: Jason
The Best of Orange County
Great article has the best of pretty much anything, you’ll have to take a look to see what I mean:
Dr. Evil’s next hideout?
This Titan missile silo for is for sale on ebay. Listed as being located somewhere in Washington. I love this stuff, awesome!
url: http://www.boingboing.net/2007/09/26/titan-missile-silo-f.html
The Cravery
Today Will, Tim and I all went to the Cravery. It was okay, but not what I was expecting. The pie I had was good (Classic Chicken), just wish it was a little larger with more filling. It was enough to satisfy, but I was expecting more. The flavor was a bit lacking. I would eat there again though. Glad I finally had a chance to eat at this place. See Monster Munching‘s review here. And visit the Cravery online here.
NHL to move to bigger goals?
Larger nets means that Luongo will retire according to this article from Canada.com.
url: http://www.canada.com/theprovince/news/story.html?id=11079269-aa0e-431a-a50f-423e9847edb1&k=74
Crime rate in Irvine a nationwide low
Awesome, no wonder it is so dang expensive to live here!
url: http://www.ocregister.com/news/crime-city-report-1852359-fbi-violent
Exercise Doesn’t (Necessarily) Make You Lose Weight
Good little article from Consumerist, but not encouraging since I do visit the gym reguarly.
Metro Bus Hits Cyclist, Only Cyclist Gets Put in Handcuffs
In Hollywood, a bicyclist is riding legally in the street as a bus approaches who honks and nudges him on the side. The bicyclist stands his ground in front of the bus at the next bus stop telling the driver that she hit him. She pushes the gas, hitting him twice. When the police arrive, they put the cyclist in cuffs. It’s stories like this that make me hate cops!
Parallel universes exist – study
Parallel universes really do exist, according to a mathematical discovery by Oxford scientists described by one expert as “one of the most important developments in the history of science”.
Ducks 5, Canucks 0
Tonight Michelle, David and I all attended a Ducks Pre-season game. We had a great time. We kept trying to get better seats and got kicked out of them about 5 times. But I did over hear a conversation about Teemu. This lady was telling her friend that she doesn’t think Teemu will come back based on converstations she had had with him. He didn’t say straight out that he wasn’t coming back but he did say that he missed his family, his wife was pregnant and he liked the fact that his golf game was getting better. I guess because he has more time to play. He said the hard part is giving up something you like so much. The Canucks were very bad losers, starting many fights. It was strange to watch a game where Selanne and Neidermider did not play. I hope at least one of them comes back this season. Hockey officially started for me tonight. I bought a puck that says “Stanely Cup Champions 2007” on it and a pennant that says the same thing.