Your Baby’s First Year

Your Baby's First Year (Second Edition) Your Baby’s First Year by American Academy Of Pediatrics

My review

Best baby book I have read yet. We got this from our pediatrician. I started reading it right away. It has great detail on ages 0 – 6 months, then strangely lumps months 6-12 together. Would have liked the same detail in those months as the first 6. The last third of the book is all the depressing diseases and illnesses that babies get. Good book to keep as a resource if any of those things should happen. *knocks on wood*.

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Food Matters

Food Matters: A Guide to Conscious Eating with More Than 75 Recipes Food Matters: A Guide to Conscious Eating with More Than 75 Recipes by Mark Bittman

My review




rating: 4 of 5 stars
Pretty good. The book is divided into two parts. The first part is about how we (Americans) got so fat and how eating the “Food Matters” way will help the environment and help you lose weight. The second half is 77 recipes to help you eat better. I really enjoyed the first half of the book. I looked through the recipes in the second half, but didn’t see anything that screamed out cook me!

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I’ve been told that listening to an audio book is not reading. Why not? You are getting the same information, you are just not holding a book in your hands. I “read” all the Harry Potter Boxset Books 1-7 by listening to them on my ipod. I’m currently listening to Shogun on my ipod. I find that when you have a 5 (almost 6 month old) you have to read whenever you find time, and sitting down in a quiet corner of the house, just doesn’t happen anymore.

So, instead of giving up on reading I have made the act of reading change to be more convenient for me. As I said, I listen to audio books on an ipod and recently when I upgraded my iPod to an Apple iPod touch 32 GB (2nd Generation), I downloaded Stanza and have been reading Gulliver’s Travels (Penguin Classics) on it in ebook format, a very similar experience to reading on a Kindle 2, however the screen on my ipod is much smaller. For those interested the Kindle software is actually avialable to use on an iPod Touch (Kindle for iPod Touch). Is listening to an audio book reading? Is reading an ebook on a kindle or other device reading? Please post your thoughts in the comments.

Image Credit: nydiscovery.

The Pirate Queen: The Story of Grace O’Malley, Irish Pirate

The Pirate Queen: The Story of Grace O'Malley, Irish Pirate The Pirate Queen: The Story of Grace O’Malley, Irish Pirate by Alan Gold

My review

rating: 4 of 5 stars
The first thing I should mention about The Pirate Queen: The Story of Grace O’Malley, Irish Pirate by Alan Gold, is that it is a fictional piece. However, please be aware that the books language is not for the fainted hearted. The strong language was a major turn off for me. The other warning I will give, is the book sometimes reads more like a romance novel than anything else. All in all, I would say that you should read this book, if you are at all interested in female pirates. I did enjoy the novel, despite the strong language and minor love scenes.

View all my reviews.

Bike Ride

I think the picture above would have turned out much better with my SLR, but I really don’t want to lug around such a big camera while out on a bike ride.  Today I left the house around 8am in search of some good deals and a great bike ride.  I was only able to satisfy one of those however.  I went to three garage sales.  The first one was pretty good, seemed like nice folks, didn’t have much out, but there were some DVDs that I should have probably asked how much they were, but I hate it when people don’t mark things with prices, its garage sale 101!  The next sale was a total bust, they hardly had anything out.  The last place I stopped at was equally disappointing.

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The best part about the ride was ride. While disappointed in the garage sales, I did have a good time and it made my bike ride interesting. I printed out the map above before I went so I could find everything. I thought I might see some other garage sales while I was out that didn’t have anything listed on craigslist, which is where I found out about the ones that I went to. Irvine has great bike paths, I really enjoy riding them and am thankful that they are there.

Hostages and Murder in Woodbridge, Irvine

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I was really shocked to read this one.  I would have never thought this could happen in Woodbridge.  Michelle told me about it Saturday morning, but I didn’t think it was this big of a deal.  Read the article here.  Here is a map.

It’s all in the name!

Surname Map found on Lifehacker via CNET.

In the US there are 27,980 phone book entries with the surname Watts and approximately 74.613 persons with this name.

Thus, the surname Watts the 296th most frequent name in the US. 

Most occurrences are in Texas: 2,265. 

Other states with lots of occurrences are:

2. California  1,932
3. North Carolina 1,743
4. Florida 1,514
5. Georgia 1,291
6. Alabama  1,244
7. Tennessee 1,104
8. South Carolina 1,036
9. Kentucky 974
10. Virginia 972