Runkeeper Review

runkeeperI’ve been wanting to write about my “new” walking/running that I have taken to recently and I also wanted to write about the different tools that I am using to keep motivated and track my performance.

I’m not one to make new years resolutions, so I really didn’t this year and thats not what this is.  I’m heavier than I want to be and I want to attack that problem.  I don’t have time to go to a gym. Even if I could make the time, they generally don’t have what I need and I’m not talking about the machines or classes.

I decided to just head outside and start moving around more than I already do.  What is something that most everyone can do, no matter how out of shape you are?  Walk.  So thats what I did.  I just stepped out side and started walking.  I do this on my breaks at work.  Yes, I know some of us are so busy at work we don’t even have time for breaks.  I’m one of those people most days, but when I’m not physically in a meeting I force myself out the door if only for 10 minutes.

Since February of this year I’ve been doing just that.  I started out only walking for about 15 minutes.  I would go slow and didn’t get very far.  The first walk that I tracked via RunKeeper was only .91 miles and my pace was 18 minutes a mile.  Yes, that is slow.  Most people walk about a 15 minute mile.  But day after day, I just kept going.  I turn on RunKeeper and just walk.  Now I run a little too and my pace is down to 13:30.  Not bad.

When I have time, weekend mornings usually my walk/run is 4 miles long and it only takes me about an hour.  I do it before the rest of the family wakes up.

Back to Runkeeper.  It is a free app that works on smartphones (iphones and Android phones).  It uses GPS to track where you are and how fast you are going.  You can use if for walking, running or biking.  You can keep track of where you are and how well you are doing while you are on your walk.  It even gives you audio updates of distance, time and pace.  After your walk/run or whatever you can review your performance on your smartphone or on the website.  Here is what that looks like:



This walk is from the San Diego MS Walk I participated in at Legoland, California.  It was a fun walk.  Don’t worry, the MS Walk isn’t usually that long, we did they extra and optional extended walk.  I believe its usually only about 1.5 to 2 miles long.

I hope to add more websites, apps and gear that I’m using to help me stay motivated and enjoy my walking.running.  Until the next post, get out there and do something!