Wishing all that celebrate Halloween a festive holiday. Emily’s teacher read her storybook, Room on a Broom. Samantha integrated science and math into her class activity. Her class carved a pumpkin and did all sorts of fun measuring activities with the pumpkin’s seeds and slimy interior.
Category: web randomness
Habits: Exercise, Organization, Food Choices
Need log more content related to my exercise, organization, and health foods woes. Not necessarily woes, but challenges I encounter to make these goals a reality. Know I need to be accurate and accountable with my tasks, then my fitness efforts and eating habits will become a successful daily habit. Integrating healthy lifestyle choices is invigorating and results in hugely positive outcomes.
I’m grateful for a supportive community and appreciate that I have access to local fitness studios, a pleasant climate, and grocery solutions that aid in my desire to improve myself.
Going to start to aggregate complementary resources to keep on track…
First-up is a resource I’m a regular at is Core Power Yoga and the invigorating workouts offered: https://www.corepoweryoga.com/blog.
Everything falls into place…it’s a sequence, by maintaining a set schedule, then the positive possibilities are realized. I noticed that I have more energy and want to organize and improve in other areas of my regular routine.
Michelle has been posting more than I have on this site that I created. I just moved the domain to this site from Bluehost to google domains. Bluehost is 15.99 right now and you have to pay extra for hiding your address information. For 12.99 google includes the privacy information. I’m still hosting at Bluehost because that’s just easier.
In addition to that, I updated this site and dropped off things that didn’t make any sense anymore. I still need to update the pictures of the family on the about page.
I’ve stopped updating history podcast since my job responsibilities have increased dramatically in the past few years. I have started another blog that is updated when I have time called Jason Reads. That site is all about the books I’m reading and I love that site! It gives me the space to write about the books that I am reading and share with other readers. I don’t know a lot of real readers. There are only a handful of readers at work and I’m so busy there I don’t have time to talk about that. Goodreads and Jasonreads gives me the places to talk books!
Thats all for now, I hope to use this space more often, but no promises!
Grandma Georgie 89 Years-Old 2/7/28
My Grandma Georgie just celebrated her 89th birthday. We celebrated her birthday at a weekend family gathering. Always fun to visit with my grandma. I had the best childhood summer with her at Lake Almanor. From daily mass to afternoons at the lake, I look back on those summers fondly. I learned how to swim well, drive/ride a SeaDoo, appreciate nature, walk, play with cousins/friends, and master Scrabble and card games. Summers at Lake Almanor were a family tradition. We would visit Mount Lassen National Park and/or Burney Falls. Such beautiful scenery is within the state of California. For those of you unfamiliar with where Lake Almanor is, it’s a two hour drive northwest of Reno, NV.
Happy birthday grandma you’re 89 years-old now! I made a photo book for her from photos from the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s. She’s going to love the 76 page album.
Blue Apron
For over a year now, I have been making Blue Apron https://www.blueapron.com/ meals. Blue Apron is a weekly meal subscription box where the recipe sheets and all ingredients in the right portions are included. You basically only have to have salt, pepper, and olive oil on hand. Anyone remember the Food Network host, Rachel Ray, and her constant mention of EVOO – extra virgin olive oil. I go through so much olive oil now. The meals are diverse, so it definitely gives us a nice variety. Samantha and Emily are not fans of Blue Apron – it does expose them to a wider mix of food options though. Desperately trying to make healthy meals for my family. I’m trying to get more fit too, but that’s another entry.
Dance Mom
I now have two dancers. Does that make me a dance mom?!? I’ve never worn false eye lashes, but as my daughter advance within dance that’s an inevitable situation. At Samantha’s 2015 Nutcracker recital, the items required list included false eye lashes. Oh no! Knowing Samantha, she would not be thrilled about me gluing eyelashes onto her eyelids. Thankfully, the false eye lashes requirement was reassigned to lead roles and not the group ensembles. Goal is for my kids to be confident and happy dancers. I think we’re well on our way to achieving that objective.
Christmas Photo 2015
Picking the family Christmas photo! This is a project that I all too often I wait until the holidays are in full swing to get my order in. There are so many companies out there that create fabulous Christmas photos, but my go-to shop is Costco. Costco’s Photo Center is reliable and convenient, most importantly the cost is quite competitive.
Our 2015 Christmas photo was taken at the backside of the Disneyland Sleeping Beauty castle. We had the right setting, our entire family, and we were up for snapping a few photos with our princesses – Samantha and Emily.
Now in a few months, I get to start the process all over again. What photo will make it as the standout annual holiday photo?!? Stay tuned…
A butterfly from Samantha
playground equipment