Potato Peeler Bank Robber

This happened very close to us.  This guy robbed a Wells Fargo and got an innocent shot.   They are finally sentencing him.  This occurred on Oct. 27, 2006.

url:   http://www.ocregister.com/news/bank-pirbazari-peeler-1844605-ran-detectives

“Interweb” neighbors

When you buy a domain name, like wattsfamily.com, you are put a single server (fancy word for big computer) with a lot of other people.  This is a lot less expensive then asking for your own server just to host your web domain.  So a friend and fellow podcaster Russell showed me this website that list the other people on the same server as you, very cool!  I have 217 neighbors!  Here is the link:


Are Safety Deposit Boxes “Safe”?

Okay, so Michelle and I got a safety deposit box last weekend and I was talking to Tim from work about it and he said that the Treasury Department can confiscate what is in your safety deposit box after s certain time period has passed. This sounded very fishy to me so I looked it up on the “Interweb”:

If you did not pay the annual fee on the safe deposit box, it would have been considered dormant once there was no activity—such as payment of the fee—for 5 to 7 years. (The length of time necessary to declare an account dormant is defined by State statute.)

Once an account is declared dormant, the bank may be required to transfer the contents of the safe deposit box to the State treasurer or unclaimed property office. Most States require that the bank send notice of the impending transfer to you at the last address of record on the bank’s books.

If you wish to find out if property from your safe deposit box was sent to the State treasurer, contact your applicable State treasurer/unclaimed property office. You can also start your search by visiting www.unclaimed.org. via: http://www.helpwithmybank.gov/faqs/other_safe_dep_box.html

Wikipedia hits 2 million articles

Thats a lot, better than my encyclopedia at home.

url: http://mashable.com/2007/09/12/wikipedia-2-million/

Beckham to appear on Desperate Housewives

According to b5media.com, Beckham and Robbie Williams will be on the show as a gay couple.

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Welcome to South Cali. There was an earthquake just east of Rancho Santa Margarita. I felt it.

url: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/recenteqsus/Quakes/ci10279441.php

The Fifty Most Influential Bloggers

There are literally millions of bloggers out there, each of them with their own voice and style, and yet in the blogging world, a handful stand out. These are the movers and shakers. When they speak, the blogging world listens. These are our Fifty Most Influential Bloggers, and if you don’t know them, you need to.

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Watts Family Newsletter

We just sent out the Watts Family Newsletter for Summer 2007. If you are family or friend and did not get it please email us and let us know, so we can send it out to you ASAP.