After 3 years of sitting in our 2nd bedroom and having no real function our very heavy oak entertainment system is gone. And it left fast! Our good friend Jonas expressed an interest and we let him know it was his if he wants it, but he has to move, it because it is too heavy for us. He sent three big guys over to move it and they were lightening fast. Michelle and I are glad to have one of our bedrooms back. Thank you Jonas and Isela, and please thank your family and friends who came to move it.
Author: Jason
Poison Lunch Boxes
More Chinese lead poisoned products…
US Data Centers May Be Forced To Green Their Operations
“Sixty-three percent of the respondents reported that their data center had run out of space, power or cooling capacity without warning.”
Google Presentation – Google’s PowerPoint app goes live
Google’s long-rumored and eagerly anticipated PowerPoint clone has finally shipped. Although we’ve only had a chance to have a first look, here are some impressions. What’s there: PowerPoint import, Versioning, Collaboration, Online presentation sharing. What’s not there: Animations, Sound, Video, exporting to PowerPoint.
Bowling Alley to Open at the District
New bowling alley opens in the District in Tustin. It will be open by the end of the year.
OC Heart Walk
Michelle and I walked in the OC Heart Walk last Saturday morning. It was hot and the walk seemed a little easier than last year. Last year they had bibs, this year they did not, so it was kinda odd. They let everyone begin the walk at the same time, instead of letting people go in groups. It was difficult walking in such a huge group of people. All in all, I’m glad we did it, and it was a great way to start the weekend. I didn’t see anyone else from my company there, but at least 7 other people should have been there.
Bicyclist killed in Irvine
A 47 yr. old woman man (thanks Kelly) from Huntington Beach was killed on Culver Saturday.
Cool Mouse
Check out this mouse! The World’s Smallest USB Receiver. Very nice and expensive for a mouse!
More on Saftey Deposit Boxes…
Here is the original opinion article that Tim read in the OC Register:
Irvine Car Chase
Even the car chases in Irvine are un-exciting… Was not a “High-Speed” Pursuit, only lasted four miles, and the stupid guy thought the could get away with a flat tire!