USDA Food Inspector Calls Job “Just A Joke”

Several USDA inspectors said in interviews that their workloads are doubling or tripling as they take on the duties of inspectors who have left the department, not to be replaced.

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The Boy Who Is Allergic To (Almost) Every Food; Can Only Eat 6 Things

Twelve-year-old Taylor Savage doesn’t have to ask what’s for dinner. It’s chicken or tuna with carrots and potatoes and maybe some grapes or an apple — the only foods to which he is not allergic. “I’m a little bored with the same food,” Taylor told TODAY during a visit to New York on Thursday with his father and sister.

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Cool Cars at South Coast Plaza

Here are some cool cars that I took pictures of with my camera phone while waiting for Michelle to try on clothes.

Car1 car2 car3 car4

Click on the images for a larger image.  The white one is my favorite.

lottery winners who lost everything

Having piles of cash only compounds problems for some people. Here are sad tales of foolishness, hit men, greedy relatives and dreams dashed.

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Arkansas government give ok for babies to marry

A flaw in a recent law gives children of any age to okay to marriage as long as their parents approve.

Snoop Dogg Visits OC on the down low

Snoop will be serving “hard time” cleaning up an OC park, park name not release, for boarding a plane with a police baton.

Cool New Simcity

“Hoping to reach that ever growing gamer segment of the population, Electronic Arts and BP Alternative Energy have combined forces to inject environmental issues – most notably global warming – into the next iteration of the video game company’s popular SimCity franchise, SimCity Societies.”  via Treehugger.

Cop who fell on the job sues family of baby who almost drowned

An officer who went to help when a baby fell in a pool says she slipped in a puddle. Today, the baby cannot even swallow and lives in a rehabilitation home, and the cop decides to make matters work by suing.

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