Boy Hired Hit Man to Kill Parents for Playstation Punishment

Like many middle-class, suburban American parents, Shannan and Joey Troiano worried about their son
’s behaviour and his bad grades at high school. And like many wayward teenagers, Cory Ryder was grounded for weeks at a time, had a PlayStation confiscated and was banned from watching TV.

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How Dangerous is…?

Dangerous Activites

With all the articles about bicycling accidents and deaths I thought this article form Treehugger was very interesting and I will have to mention it to my cousin who rides a motorcycle.

Man gets rid of everything but 600 things

Interesting idea.  I don’t know if I could do it.  But I love the idea.  He compiled a list of all his things and there was 2,000.  Thats not that much.  I think my list would be in the millions.  Check out

CA Adventure gets make over

Disney discovers that CA adventures blows.  Plans to renovate announced.  1.1 billion project, which is more than the original park cost.  Only 6 million visitors last year.  Disneyland had 15 million!

French Man Builds a Cruise Ship At Home

Francois Zanella, a 58 year old former mine worker has built a cruise ship at his home in Morsbach, Moselle in North-Eastern part of France. He started building his ship on August 10-th, 1994. By that time, he had already spent more than 3,500 hours designing in excruciating detail all the components of the ship. It took him 11 long years to complete it.

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HOWTO Change the PRINTER READY message on your HP printer

Very cool, I want to do this at work!  You can change the “PRINTER READY”message that is always on those HP laser printers to say anything you want.