Go to College for free

Businessweek published this article that many parents of college-aged students will be interested in.  These schools offer free tuition for students who meet their criteria.  Some have mandatory work the students do, but how could you complain?

Missle Silo Hunting

A while back I posted a link to someone selling on of these silos on the Internet.  Today I found a link to a persons website that actually found one of these old silos on their own and posted a lot of pictures of it.  They didn’t go inside though :-(.

Spreading Cremation ashes at Disneyland

I had no idea that people did this and found the small write up at Boing Boing very interesting.  Do people request this?  How long was it going on before Disneyland found out about it?  And Ewww!

Which way are you leaning? HD-DVD or Blu-ray?


Michelle just posted a whole bunch of Blu-rays on ebay last night.  They are the ones her family got for free when buying a new HDTV.  They were pretty bad titles, so they decided to put them up for sale and Michelle is the ebay expert.  I found this interesting chart on engadegethd.com.

Kings Lose!

Even with the zebras (referee’s help) the Kings can’t be the Stanley Cup Champions.  Ref’s called a non-existent elbow on Corey Perry in the fleeting minutes of the last period to send the game into overtime.  Kings still couldn’t make anything happen.  In the end, J.S. and McDonald come through to win the game in the shootout.  The referees need to pay more attention and only make the calls they are sure of.  This was a terrible call and should not have been made.

Fast Food Restaurants Compared – Which is least healthy?

An insanely comprehensive and completely sortable side-by-side comparison of the most popular foods from over 20 fast food restaurants to see how each restaurant’s food stacks up against all of the others. See which is the best, which is the worst, and which will probably kill you 5 minutes after you eat it.

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People With the Highest IQ

Cool test, Doesn’t take too long about 20-30 mins, depending on how fast you go. I got 110, let me know what you get in the comments.

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Audio problems with iTunes 7.5

I just had to uninstall QuickTime and re-install it because I got this audio configuration error while trying to install iTunes 7.5.  It is really not meant to be used on a Windows box.  For everyone else who is having this problem here is the solution.  What a pain in the butt.  Thanks a lot Apple!

Irvine Great Park CEO Embezzled public funds for cocaine

When Marty Bryant left his job as the Great Park CEO earlier this year, he originally cited health reasons.  LA Times uncovers that he previous embezzled public funds from San Juan Capistrano to feed his cocaine habit.

Cow Falls Off Cliff and Hits Van

Charles and Linda Everson were driving back to their hotel when their minivan was struck by a falling object — a 600-pound cow.

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