E-mail inventor: I didn’t foresee spam – Times Online

“…at around 7pm one autumn evening in 1971, the first message using Mr Tomlinson’s fledgling software, known then as the ‘Send Message Program’, travelled the short distance of a metre from one computer to a neighbouring machine, and electronic mail was born.”


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GoDaddy Silences Police-Watchdog Site RateMyCop.com

More news on the story I posted yesterday. I’m not surprised by this move my godaddy.

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Member of the Month at the Gym

Member of the MonthSo what happens when you get member of the month at my work gym?  They take pictures of you working out on a machine (in your work clothes) and plaster it all over the gym.  This accomplishes two things:  1) Makes member horribly self conscious by posting their ugly mug all over the place, and 2) Now other members can tell you to “push it”, “work it”, “keep it up” or other encouraging words and they don’t even have to know your name.

But I did get a free t-shirt.

Saudi women make video protest

Saudi women’s rights activists have posted on the web a video of a woman at the wheel of her car, in protest at the ban on female drivers in the kingdom.


I hope they change some of their laws soon…

Rate-My-Cop: New Website Has Police Furious

Police agencies from coast to coast are furious with a new website on the internet. RateMyCop.com has the names of thousands of officers, and many believe it is putting them in danger.

Comment from Digger:
“Easy response. If such a site is “dangerous” to cops then a similar site listing people with their crimes and MUCH more information is equally dangerous and unfair. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. I actually dare them to take this to court and all the way to the Supreme Court. It’ll be interesting to see the outcome and how it affects sites run by the police.”

Interesting indeed!

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California cows start passing gas to the grid

(Reuters) – Imagine a vat of liquid cow manure covering the area of five football fields and 33 feet deep. Meet California’s most alternative new energy. On a dairy farm in the Golden State’s agricultural heartland, utility PG&E Corp began on Tuesday producing natural gas derived from manure…

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1% of America in Jail!

Way to go America! More than any other country according to CBS

Link updated.  Thanks.

How Big Is the Web? 155,583,825 Sites – Report

A January Netcraft survey estimates that there were last month 155,583,825 WEB SITES ON THE INTERNET.

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