Avery’s antics sparks NHL to make new rule

“Avery parked at the edge of Brodeur’s crease and waved his arms wildly in a bizarre effort to distract the Devils’ goaltender. He also waved the blade of his stick back and forth in front of Brodeur’s mask.”

Don Cherry sums it up perfectly…”Once a jerk, always a jerk.”

read more | digg story

Break Time in the Park #1

Okay, so I don’t know if the Utterz bug has totally taken control of me yet, but it is hard to ignore when I listen to Barefoot in the Garage every morning. So, here is the official first Break Time in the Park #1, my second utter.

My First Utter

Not what it sounds like. This is a new media tool that allows you to record via your phone and then play it back on this website. And it is free.

Random picture of the day

Random picture of the day, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

So here is a picture I took from my morning walk today.  It is a nice day.  The sprinklers were on in the soccer fields making some beautiful rainbows over the goals.

I also found some interesting things online.   There is this guy that takes time-lapse photos and then animates this like old oil paintings.

Train Oil Painting Animiated

Also, I guess this weekend they detonated an old WWII underwater mine.  Pretty cool.

Ryan at the park

Ryan at the park, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

Ms walk

Ms walk, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

OC Podcasters

I had a great time at the meetup last night. I’m really glad that I went. I was really tired when I got back from the gym, but I recovered and made the trek down to Aliso Viejo and I’m glad that I did. We went out to dinner afterwards to a sports bar that was close. I was out a little late, but it was more than worth it to see all my podcasting buddies! I’m looking forward to the next meetup!

Link: OC Podcasters

First Pictures of the Baby


Click on the images to see a larger size.  More information about the baby…

Michelle and I have decided to wait to see if it is a boy or girl at birth.  The names we have chosen are:

Boy:  Dominic James Watts

Girl:  Samantha Christine Watts

The baby is due on September 16, 2008.

Random photo of the day

Random photo of the day