Hockey, Soccer or Golf

I have been wondering a lot lately what is more popular.  I did a comparison on these three sports on google to see what people are searching for.

Golf is the orange, blue is soccer and red is hockey.    Looks like hockey and soccer are neck and neck except for the 2006 World Cup for soccer.  Golf is more popular.   Hockey is definetly big in Canada look at the top 10 cities searching for hockey:

1. Winnipeg, Canada
2. Halifax, Canada
3. Calgary, Canada
4. Ottawa, Canada
5. Edmonton, Canada
6. London, Canada
7. Kitchener, Canada
8. Quebec, Canada
9. Montreal, Canada
10. Victoria, Canada

And in the region category you will see that the US ranks 3rd in hockey searches, preceeded by Canada and Sweden.  English is not even the first language searching for hockey its, Swedish!  English is second!

Tiger Woods Disses Hockey

When asked about the Stanley Cup Tiger said:

“I don’t really care,” he said. “Let’s talk about the Dodgers.  “I don’t think anybody really watches hockey any more.”

He could have just said I don’t watch hockey.  He doesn’t have to say something like that.  Its not like golf is the most fascinating thing to watch on TV.  These guys just walk (or ride little cars) around chasing a ball.  There is no hitting, fights, not even any running.  Their claim to athleticism is hitting the ball farther than the other guy!  I’m not trying to bash golf.  It does have its place in sports, but for a sport that needs support, this was the wrong thing to say.  He is a role model and people listen to him.  That is not the kind of press that hockey needs.

Come on Tiger be a little more professional.  All athletes need to be careful what they say, including you.  If you would have seen the game last night that went into triple overtime, you would have a little more respect for the sport.

Sorry Michelle, I know you’re a big Tiger fan.

Kennedy’s cube

Kennedy’s cube, originally uploaded by dahlenw.

It is Kennedy’s Birthday today! This is how we say happy birthday at VZW!

Random picture of the day

This green teddy bear was left at the bottom of a light pole in the park, poor bear.

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The Spiderwick Chronicles


Last night Michelle and I went to the movies for the first time in months. We had a good time. We just went down the street to the dollar theater. We watched The Spiderwick Chronicles. I really enjoyed it. I thought it was a very creative story and wonderful world that was created. I look forward to reading the books. The movie reminded me a lot of the Goosebumps series of books, although I didn’t read many of those.

If we are lucky maybe Michelle will post her thoughts about the movie on the blog.