A teenager from New Zealand who was accused of stealing millions of pounds has been let off without a conviction, despite pleading guilty to hacking into computers around the world.
A teenager from New Zealand who was accused of stealing millions of pounds has been let off without a conviction, despite pleading guilty to hacking into computers around the world.
For all of the places that Google Maps allows you to see, there are plenty of places that are off-limits. Whether it’s due to government restrictions, personal-privacy lawsuits or mistakes, Google Maps has slapped a “Prohibited” sign on the following 51 places.
From C|Net
In a suit filed July 2 in San Francisco Federal Court, Gotuit charges Silverlight infringes on several of its patents and seeks an injunction against the software maker as well as damages and attorney’s fees.
From LA Times
Generra Sportswear created the craze in ’91, with heat-sensitive
T-shirts that changed colors like magic. Touch a purple shirt and leave
a pink fingerprint; boogie down and your green tee would be splotched
with bright yellow hot spots.
Psystar surprised the industry in April by announcing an extremely cheap but unlicensed Mac clone for $399. Everyone waited for Apple to fire off a lawsuit, and it finally has.
Happy Anniversary Michelle! The last five years have been amazing. I am looking forward to many many more! I love you very much!
This is in response to Russ Turley’s Jun 21’s Post. Here is my BeFunky Image: